Bookmark Support and Contacts

Help Desks

The Bookmark help desk can assist with anything related to Bookmark, even small things
like 'How do I?' or 'Can I?' as well as problem solving and troubleshooting.
Requests for new features, functions and reports can also be made.
A call to the help desk can save time and effort.

"We are here to help!"

Phone:  08 8226 1541
Email: or

Bookmark online help desk contact form

Book Mark Library Services Pty Ltd
Phone:  0427 045 896
Website:  Book Mark Library Services website

Don't forget the manuals and fact sheets!

Bookmark10 Email Community

Keep up-to-date via email with information, tips and the latest updates.
The Bookmark10 community email list is part of DfESA's Connected system.
All members can post to the Bookmark10 community. Members are
encouraged to use the Bookmark10 community to exchange ideas on how to use Bookmark
in their libraries and resource centres.

Click on the link below for information on how to join the community.

Bookmark 10 community New User Registration Procedure

Clicl on the link below for information on how an existing member can log into the web platform. Allows viewing attachments and other things.

Bookmark 10 community member web platform registration procedure

Note: questions on how to use Bookmark should be addressed to the help desk.

Bookmark User Groups (South Australia)

Bookmark "hub groups" meet regularly. Contact the help desk for information.

  • Adelaide North. Contact Jane Pogas (Angle Vale Primary School) (

  • Adelaide South. Contact Shelley Milne (Woodcroft Primary School) (

  • Adelaide East. Contact Sarah Peck or Anne Gilligan (Magill School) (

Upload Backup File to Help Desk via Dropbox

Click on the link below to upload a Bookmark backup file to the help desk's Dropbox.

Upload backup file to Bookmark's Dropbox